Alpha 5.0 Changelog

Changes (Alpha 5.0)

- Whip lasts longer
- Respawning removes any speed
- Now takes knockback
- Sprite flickers after taking damage

- Added reverse flowing water. Just like normal flowing water, but reversed.
- Added cracked platforms. If Simon falls on one, it breaks.

- The axe moves higher and falls slower
- The holy water is added! Simon throws the holy water onto the ground, which creates fire
- New small candle that drops the holy water

- Added Fishmen! These enemies jump up onto nearby platforms when near Simon.
- Enemies are no longer destoryed when outside of view
- Medusa Heads are destroyed when outside of the level
 - Previously they were not destroyed, causing lag

- Destroy all button added

Files 9 MB
Jan 02, 2019

Get CastleMaker: Beta 1.0

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